Friday, July 30, 2004

Two Political, One Ramble

I guess if you live in a cave and are fed shit constantly, you believe silly things.

I love Rudy. Has a City Mayor ever won the presidency? I mean without being a governor or something in between.

A and I had the boss over for dinner the other night. Funny, you would think that would be high anxiety type of thing. I however am very lucky in that I work for one of my friends from high school and beyond. I am one of the few college grads that I know who keeps in touch with his high school friends and not his college friends. My high school friends know me. Just me. Before I got jaded by college and life in general. When we get together we all take our old roles (usually after a little beer). We can say anything to one another and it is never taken personally. At one party a friend said to me out of the blue "So, how much do you actually weigh now, tubby?" We all just died. To this day I chuckle when I think of that. Shouldn't we all have friends we can say anything to and not worry about hurt feelings or it being taken the wrong way. It seems to me that when someone says something to another that person immediately assumes what was said is an accusation. Why is that? Are we all so insecure? Do we all have guilty consciences? It's kind of sad. We end up spending a lot of time explaining what was meant and not having a conversation. And then there is the chance that the explanation will be taken wrong! Or not believed! Ah, well .. I've been trying quite hard lately to just listen to what is said to me and purposefully put a positive spin on it. You know what? Less stress. Less aggravation. Less conflict. It's very pleasant to see the bright side. To think positively. To have positive thoughts. I hope any who read this ramble try it for a week or two. You will improve not only your life but some of the people around you will feel better too. They won't have to explain themselves and you will get along even better than you did before.

Well, that did not go where I thought it would, but I like it anyway. Good night.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Kerry's Wife Again

You know, this story on the CNN site perfectly illustrates what is wrong with the Democrat Party.   Instead of an explaination, a Heinz-Kerry spokesperson calls the newpaper a rag.  Senator Clinton says "You go girl" and thinks all Americans think that, too.  And last but certainly not least, Kerry's senior advisor says:  "I'm sure the nation wants to hear from her because she can lend so much valuable insight as to who John Kerry is, where he comes from and what he believes."   Holy Shit!!  If that's who Kerry is the DNC has problems.


I read this then watched it online.  I call it a draw.  Moore will never address his mistakes but Bush must pay for his.  Did anyone else read the 911 report?  I did.  I bet most who are quoting from it did not.  Mike Moore won't do interviews with anyone who has not seen his movie, but he feels qualified to talk about a report he did not read.  Things are only fair if the liberals get their way.

I wish I could remember where I read this:

"Speaking of the New York Times, its ombudsman, public editor Daniel Okrent, is insisting his paper is unabashedly liberal, saying, "If you think the Times plays it down the middle on any of [the hot-button issues], you've been reading the paper with your eyes closed. I don't think it's intentional when the Times does this. But negligence doesn't have to be intentional."
Okrent specifically points to the Times' coverage of gay marriage, which he says ― "approaches cheerleading ... [and fails] to provide the three-dimensional perspective balanced journalism requires.""

At least I was smart enough to copy it and email it to myself for later.  I like this part: "negligence doesn't have to be intentional"  I'll grant him that, but if that negligence is discovered and not rectified then it IS intentional.

A very good friend advised me to go to the and view the Kerry video.  It is basically a complete history of Kerry's interviews and comments about the wars in Iraq.  Admittedly it was made by the RNC, and edited to make it him look as bad as possible, but, it is amazingly damning.

Speaking of Kerry, Teresa has herself in the news again.  Apparently she told a reporter to "shove it" when he asked her about her comments made moments before.  Here is a quote from her speech:  "My prayers for you, for me, for the country, for the world, are that we keep this at a high level, with dignity, with respect and with a great idealism and courage that took our forefathers to build this great nation."  I'm sure she meant shove it in a dignified way.  I'm sure the Bush-Cheney "Asses of Evil" buttons were at a high level.  Another Liberal who believes things are only fair if she gets it her way. 

Perhaps I can get some sleep now.  Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Thought for today

Do you think that California would be in such dire financial straights if there were less non-profit organizations in the state?

They all seem to be based there. 

Do non-profit companies pay taxes?  I don't think so, therefore, less money for the state.  How much money goes into running all of these non-profit organizations?  Millions and Millions?  Billions??  Buildings, people, equipment, office supplies, etc.  less money for the state.

So many people donate to these organizations.  I'm sure they think they are helping, but would it not be more helpful to just buy something or hire someone.  Less money for the state in three ways: 1. no sales tax paid; 2. no employment taxes paid; 3. tax credit on the donation.

I know I've donated to charities.  It makes you feel good.  Makes you feel like you're helping.  Perhaps I would be helping more by keeping my money and investing.  Good for job stimulation.  The more I invest the more jobs I create; the more taxes paid; leading to lower taxes, or more services.  I think I'm on to something here.

Friday, July 23, 2004

One of my favorite quotes

"We are taught you must blame your father, your sisters, your brothers, the school, the teachers - you can blame anyone, but never blame yourself.  It's never your fault.  But it's always your fault, because if you want to change, you're the one who has got to change.  It's as simple as that, isn't it?"  - Katharine Hepburn

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Not as bad as originally thought

Well, I suppose that more research was needed before I got all twirled up, but the thought is still scary.  Apparently those Syrians on the plane really were a band. 

Has anyone else seen this?  Holy Moly funny!!!  I like how these animators took pretty equal shots at both candidates.  The Clinton shot near the end is worth the time to download the video alone.

I'm still pretty excited about the Giants getting Peyton .... errr I mean Eli Manning.  Imagine, a talented quarterback who actually WANTS to play for the Giants!!

Lance Armstrong Rules!!

Well it looks like we might get a settlement done.  There was a Zoning Board of Appeals meeting last night and they voted to allow the application for a variance.  Check here to see what I'm talking about.  I just looked at that and I need to update it a little.  I'll do that soon I hope.

Boy did a painting yesterday at school that was just his foot prints.  Left foot purple and right foot blue.  I love it!



Monday, July 19, 2004

Quick Note

I has been brought to my attention that I am not dumb and therefore should be more prudent in checking my spelling or use spell checker.  The person's identity is inconsequential (Peg), but suffice to say that when one is mid-rant, one is less than concerned with spelling or grammar for that matter. ;-)
However I will pledge to you, family and friends, that if I am not ranting and am simply conveying an opinion or anecdote, I will make every effort humanly possible use good spelling and grammar. 
The only emails I will now accept concerning my spelling will be limited to instances whereby my point cannot possibly be determined by the reader.

I think I fixed the link in the previous post.  Thanks to the anonymous reader who criticizes my spelling.

Friday, July 16, 2004

Sad Decision

Has anyone seen the email making the rounds for the past 3 or 4 years.  You know the one about racial profiling in in the airport screening process?  This email is a multiple choice test with questions such as:
Who attacked the USS Cole?
a. A band or 80 year old grandmothers with knitting needles.
b. A handicapped man in a wheel chair.
c. Norman Rockwell
d. Middle Eastern Men ages 20-40.
In every question the correct answer is d. of course.  The email was always worth a chuckle because of the silly incorrect answers.  However, when you really think about it, which I never did until just now, It's god damn scary.  It is currently policy that on any given flight, no more than two people of mid-eastern desent can be searched per flight.  holy phuck! 
This is a kind of long story but please read this link.  Holy phucking moly!!!  If it was me I don't know what I'd do.  Earth is going to hell in a hand basket and I don't know what can be done except just go on with our lives because we'll have no control over any outcome anyway. 
A gentleman I am familiar with has a box with supplies in it for an emergency.  Things like batteries, flashlight, radio, boxes of that milk that lasts forever, water, canned goods, etc.  I always kind of shrugged off that thought.  I viewed it as giving in to "them".  Well, I'm embarrassed and sorry to say that "they" just won a small battle.  I'm starting a box of my own.

Friday, July 09, 2004

More on Moore

I guess Mike tried to bully Pete Townsend into using one of his songs. I cannot help but wonder why some Liberals decide bullying is ok for them to do.

Mike wrote an interesting piece for the LA Times in celebration of Fourth of July. I never realized the flag represented oppression.

I did not do this research but notice where Mike mentions "9 boys from my high school came home in boxes" or something like that. Apparently, they weren't boys. They were men. The earliest was killed in 1967, and there were two casualties in that year. Two in 1969, one in 1968, and one in 1970. Moore was born in 1954, so he would have entered high school in 1969, after which there were four casualties. (One of which died of a heart attack.) Now, not to minimize his mourning of four high school acquaintance's, but why does Mike continually stretch the truth like that?

I read a very good article recently. This young man is going places. My Mom wishes the liberals at Princeton a lot of luck.