Wednesday, July 28, 2004


I read this then watched it online.  I call it a draw.  Moore will never address his mistakes but Bush must pay for his.  Did anyone else read the 911 report?  I did.  I bet most who are quoting from it did not.  Mike Moore won't do interviews with anyone who has not seen his movie, but he feels qualified to talk about a report he did not read.  Things are only fair if the liberals get their way.

I wish I could remember where I read this:

"Speaking of the New York Times, its ombudsman, public editor Daniel Okrent, is insisting his paper is unabashedly liberal, saying, "If you think the Times plays it down the middle on any of [the hot-button issues], you've been reading the paper with your eyes closed. I don't think it's intentional when the Times does this. But negligence doesn't have to be intentional."
Okrent specifically points to the Times' coverage of gay marriage, which he says ― "approaches cheerleading ... [and fails] to provide the three-dimensional perspective balanced journalism requires.""

At least I was smart enough to copy it and email it to myself for later.  I like this part: "negligence doesn't have to be intentional"  I'll grant him that, but if that negligence is discovered and not rectified then it IS intentional.

A very good friend advised me to go to the and view the Kerry video.  It is basically a complete history of Kerry's interviews and comments about the wars in Iraq.  Admittedly it was made by the RNC, and edited to make it him look as bad as possible, but, it is amazingly damning.

Speaking of Kerry, Teresa has herself in the news again.  Apparently she told a reporter to "shove it" when he asked her about her comments made moments before.  Here is a quote from her speech:  "My prayers for you, for me, for the country, for the world, are that we keep this at a high level, with dignity, with respect and with a great idealism and courage that took our forefathers to build this great nation."  I'm sure she meant shove it in a dignified way.  I'm sure the Bush-Cheney "Asses of Evil" buttons were at a high level.  Another Liberal who believes things are only fair if she gets it her way. 

Perhaps I can get some sleep now.  Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow.