Friday, June 11, 2004

The New Haven Advocate

I've missed Ronald Wilson Reagan for several years now. His eternal optimism was contagious. It was good for all of us. I'm attempting to flip my switch back to "happy optimist" from "angry pessimist". We'll see if Ron's death reminds me to keep it that way.

Here's the first test:
The print copy of the New Haven Advocate looks very much like this:
however it has a catchy sub-headline "Good Riddance Reagan". Nice. I'm not a fan of Clinton, but if they wrote the same of him when he died I would be equally disappointed. (not that I would expect the advocate to write that of their beloved President) One wonders why the web Advocate does not refer to that headline. At least I do. Trying to stir the pot? Sell some papers? (can't be that they're free) Get people to pick up papers and see the ads that generate the income, then? Are the advertisers pleased with this tactic? Do they want to be associated with that paper now?

Here's the article:

trying so hard not to be pissed. optimism ... optimism ... ok ... I'm back now ....

Mr. Bass takes umbridge with many things relating to Reagan's governing and the news coverage of his death. I suppose we all could have waited a week or so to hear it.

I'm going to have to write to the Advocate I suppose. Perhaps the New Haven Register as well. They might like to bash their competition a little.

quick rants
Why, when one falls asleep with their glasses on, do they end up under you in the morning? yes they're broken

Why does everyone from New York camp in the left lane of the highway?

Why on earth did the weather man say "We'll let you know when you can expect some relief from summer."? We've had summer weather for 30 hours!!!!


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