Friday, July 16, 2004

Sad Decision

Has anyone seen the email making the rounds for the past 3 or 4 years.  You know the one about racial profiling in in the airport screening process?  This email is a multiple choice test with questions such as:
Who attacked the USS Cole?
a. A band or 80 year old grandmothers with knitting needles.
b. A handicapped man in a wheel chair.
c. Norman Rockwell
d. Middle Eastern Men ages 20-40.
In every question the correct answer is d. of course.  The email was always worth a chuckle because of the silly incorrect answers.  However, when you really think about it, which I never did until just now, It's god damn scary.  It is currently policy that on any given flight, no more than two people of mid-eastern desent can be searched per flight.  holy phuck! 
This is a kind of long story but please read this link.  Holy phucking moly!!!  If it was me I don't know what I'd do.  Earth is going to hell in a hand basket and I don't know what can be done except just go on with our lives because we'll have no control over any outcome anyway. 
A gentleman I am familiar with has a box with supplies in it for an emergency.  Things like batteries, flashlight, radio, boxes of that milk that lasts forever, water, canned goods, etc.  I always kind of shrugged off that thought.  I viewed it as giving in to "them".  Well, I'm embarrassed and sorry to say that "they" just won a small battle.  I'm starting a box of my own.