Thursday, September 03, 2009

Health Care

I'm so tired of hearing about the people who do not have healthcare. I do feel badly that they have it bad. I just do not think it's their right that I pay for it. I will not apologize for that thought.

I pay a shit load of money to have care for my wife and son. ($1700 is a shit load btw) I get to go almost anywhere I want, whenever I want for care.

Lets say I agree that there are 40million uninsured. What happens when I want to see a doctor for a fever. I have to wait. Why? Because now 40 million more people are trying to see my doctor for something they would not have gone to the doctor for previously.

There is nothing in the Healthcare "reform" that makes provision to add doctors, nurses, clerks, receptionsis, etc.. Where will they all come from? Will they magically appear? of course not. Hence I will have to wait three weeks or more to get my fever checked.

Government has fucked up everything it's laid it's hands on. The roads are a mess. The armed forces are handcuffed. Medicare and welfare and social security and fanny Mae are bankrupt. Why oh Why do people think Government can run our health care well? I've not heard one person answer this question. Even when asked.


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