Friday, July 30, 2004

Two Political, One Ramble

I guess if you live in a cave and are fed shit constantly, you believe silly things.

I love Rudy. Has a City Mayor ever won the presidency? I mean without being a governor or something in between.

A and I had the boss over for dinner the other night. Funny, you would think that would be high anxiety type of thing. I however am very lucky in that I work for one of my friends from high school and beyond. I am one of the few college grads that I know who keeps in touch with his high school friends and not his college friends. My high school friends know me. Just me. Before I got jaded by college and life in general. When we get together we all take our old roles (usually after a little beer). We can say anything to one another and it is never taken personally. At one party a friend said to me out of the blue "So, how much do you actually weigh now, tubby?" We all just died. To this day I chuckle when I think of that. Shouldn't we all have friends we can say anything to and not worry about hurt feelings or it being taken the wrong way. It seems to me that when someone says something to another that person immediately assumes what was said is an accusation. Why is that? Are we all so insecure? Do we all have guilty consciences? It's kind of sad. We end up spending a lot of time explaining what was meant and not having a conversation. And then there is the chance that the explanation will be taken wrong! Or not believed! Ah, well .. I've been trying quite hard lately to just listen to what is said to me and purposefully put a positive spin on it. You know what? Less stress. Less aggravation. Less conflict. It's very pleasant to see the bright side. To think positively. To have positive thoughts. I hope any who read this ramble try it for a week or two. You will improve not only your life but some of the people around you will feel better too. They won't have to explain themselves and you will get along even better than you did before.

Well, that did not go where I thought it would, but I like it anyway. Good night.


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