Saturday, August 21, 2004

Stem Cell Research ...... Bull Shit.

I knew I would find something like this if I tried (I did not need to try too hard). I often go to to check on wildly unbelievable "breakthroughs" in science.
Please read this. We should all feel badly for little Ron. He's still trying to be as famous as his Dad was. He's trying to do it just as many children do; by revolting against anything his father was in favor of. He will never succeed this way. Unless he just wants the liberal elite love. If so, he's got that for sure.

This article kills me. The National Acadamy of Sciences should have their funding denied. What a complete farse. If all the woulda's shoulda's and coulda's fall into place we might benefit from stem cell research. And if Grandma had balls she'd be Grandpa.

Note to Bush haters, find a new reason to hate; this one does not float.

Monday, August 16, 2004

Sudden Bush Hatred Fatigue Syndrome

Click here if you are as tired as I am. (You get one read before you have to sign up. I do not know what you are signing up for when you visit a newspaper site, but they like to have you sign up.) SBHFS. It's nice to know it has a name. I thought it was just me. Just this weekend I was in Barnes and Noble for an "on the way to Vermont pit stop" and was assaulted by those books.
Why are Republicans called hatemongers? It appears to me that the Democrats wish to divide us with hate. I've never heard a Republican say Kerry or Clinton were the anti-Christ, Did you?
Did you know there were two Americas? Me either. Except of course in 1864 or so. Everybody's favorite Republican (Lincoln) took care of that though. The Democrats wanted to leave then, too (and keep slavery). I'm still an optimist. I think we are one country, under God (or some sort of moral guide) indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

Let's look at "under God" I like what I just came up with as a substitute. Moral Guide. (MG for short? No, the British sports car enthusiasts will get confused.) Isn't that really what "Under God" means now. I think our fore-fathers meant something stronger, but in modern times a "Moral Guide" is what it should be considered. I'd hate to weaken the phrase "Under God" but shouldn't we consider that it really means "Moral Guide" and not "Be Damned if you don't Obey!" or something like that? I accuse people of being too literal when they read or listen. Perhaps I'm being too general.

check this out. My, an awful lot of people have SBHFS.