Saturday, July 30, 2005

Bush Bashing ... Failing?

Yes! According to Michael Barone in this article. I find this newsworthy only because very few will actually hear of this article.

Helen Thomas is pretty ticked off apparently. "All we need is one more liar." Nice and un-biased, huh?

More verbal attacks from President Carter. His presidency was known for .... I can't come up with anything, can you? I think he's trying to show the history writers that he can do something even if it is only to lash out at the current administration. This pathetic attempt at toughness only further weakens his already weak record as President. I may be wrong, but even Mr. Clinton respects to office enough to not bash the current one. President Carter's denoucements of the existing administration only serves to make himself look bad. I think the former President should read my first post and stop spewing nonsense. Very few are listening.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Cell Phone Law

The Connecticut Legislature passed useless "feel good" legislation recently. This line makes me laugh: "At least with a hands-free device, both the driver’s hands will be on the wheel." How often do you see the driver next to you with two hands on the wheel? Usually the driver is chnging the radio station, smoking, drinking coffee or soda, eating a burger and fries, picking their nose, etc. Personally, those activities distract me more than talking on the phone.

I think that cell phone use while driving is dangerous, but I do not think there is a good way to discourage it. Our state troopers already have plenty of laws to enforce. I wish we added a useful one.

Who Said?!?!?!

Who said the Supreme court has to have 4 liberals, 4 conservatives and a moderate (supreme decision maker)? It's not written in any part of the constitution that I can find. In fact, I thought the Court was supposed to be non-political. Every President has had the ability to name a judge at his whim except this one. Why? Because the Liberals are still pissed and frustrated and confused. They still do not understand why George won. So they throw hissy fits. About everything. Whiner Reid will filibuster any candidate President Bush puts up. Therefore the only road to take is to change the rule the Democrats changed in the first place, make it majority rule to stop a filibuster instead of 60%. (yes the famed "nuclear option") The USA went 200 years with a majority rule to stop filibusters It can survive another 200. The liberals are tying to run the Senate even though they are the minority. They lost their majority fair and square. Time to regroup. But they are not regrouping. They are whining and lashing out. Fine. They'll lose more elections.

Monday, July 18, 2005


I've been down all weekend.

Karl Rove, while possibly angry at Wilson is not a criminal. I'm tired of politics. Bush haters can go to hell. Don't get too excited Clinton haters, you're there too as far as I'm concerned. One should dearly hold their political views, but should share their view, not hate the opposing view.

But that's not why I'm down. Work has been quite difficult. I love my job (really. Do you know anyone else who does?) but it's been a bit taxing lately. I'm working on a project that should take up all my time because the company's very survival hinges on it's success, but I have a few personal circumstances that are diverting my energy (which should be the case, but I'm feeling guilty none the less).

Wife is in extreme pain. We are near the end of our road to a (relatively) normal life but the pain continues to get worse and I can do nothing. My favorite person in the entire world can barely function and I cannot help. I console, rub, nod, whisper "I love you"'s, listen, yet there is this invisible beast attacking her every moment of every day. I can't fight it. I can't help her. I am useless. I fight anger every day. Yet I have nothing to be angry at. How can you be angry at your best friends pain. The anger will be taken as directed at your best friend. So the anger gets swallowed. It's tough going down, but after awhile you get used to it. Sometimes you don't even realize you are swallowing. But other times, the anger rushes up uncontrollably. The anger cannot be even directed at that point. Anything in it's path gets inflicted with it's full wrath. Then .... Sorrow. Because now, not only is your best friend in pain but now her feelings are hurt. And her anger at her pain is let loose, but her anger has a direction. Me. (and deservedly so as much as I hate to admit it). And ugliness ensues.

A procedure is scheduled that is supposed to decrease the pain. 50% is the goal. I think the doctors say that to reduce the hopefulness, but 50% less pain makes my best friend able to cope at least. And coping is better than not coping. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. But the tunnel is so long.

When this is over I might have to change my blog name to "My Random Rollicks". That would be nice.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Non-Partisan My Ass

In this article you are led to believe that Mr. Wilson is a non-partisan observer, however I found this quote:

“[Wilson] Admits ‘It Will Be A Cold Day In Hell Before I Vote For A Republican, Even For Dog Catcher.’” (Scott Shane, “Private Spy And Public Spouse Live At Center Of Leak Case,” The New York Times, 7/5/05)

He's also a registered Deomcrat and gave $3000 to Kerry's Presidential campaign.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Stem Cell Research

Is stem cell reasearch really a miracle cure of everything? Maybe, is the best answer.

Here is a good moral argument. I really hate when it gets political though. I truely do not know where I stand on this yet.

My Favorite Pet Peeve

As all of you know, I despise warning labels. If you hurt yourself trimming your hedges with a lawn mower you deserve it. Better yet if you die doing it, it makes the human race in general smarter because you will not make babies who just might be stupid enough to do such an idiotic thing.

I've always wondered why municipalities, corporations, etc didn't use this thought process:

While virtually every town along the nearly 20 miles of the Long Beach Island, N.J., seashore has signs warning beachgoers of the dangers of rip tides (according to a June Asbury Park Press story), Long Beach Township does not. Even though experts say that most summer visitors are ignorant of the powerful currents and how to cope with them, Township Attorney Richard Shackleton said posting such helpful warnings may hurt local taxpayers. Shackleton explained that a town generally has no legal duty to warn swimmers of natural conditions, but that once a town attempts to warn, judges and juries will too often find the warnings inadequate and permit a swimmer (or his survivors) huge damages. [Asbury Park Press, 6-15-05]

No warnings, no matter the reason is a good thing.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Wow! A New Haven Register opinion that is sensible! For those who refuse to join the the newpaper here is the text:

EDITORIAL Slavery suit dismissed again
New Haven Register Editorial
Tenuous claim for corporate reparations is a social, not a legal issue. For the second time this year, a federal judge has dismissed a class-action lawsuit against more than 12 companies, including Aetna and Fleet Bank, seeking reparations from the pre-Civil War slave trade.
Although the African Americans who filed the suit say they will appeal, U.S. District Judge Charles R. Norgle’s decision was eminently sensible. In sum, the judge said that the reparation advocates had filed their claim far too long after slavery ended and that the social issues they raised were better left to Congress and the president to settle.Unlike survivors of the Holocaust or Japanese Americans interned during World War II, it is impossible to prove a specific harm done to the great-great-great-great-grandchild of a slave by a predecessor company to a modern corporation that is nothing like it was in 1820. By the suit’s logic, modern Tunisia could sue Italy for ancient Rome’s sacking Carthage.The suit’s dismissal does nothing to diminish the wrong of slavery. But, its claims were raised in the wrong forum.Slavery was the irreconcilable contradiction that the Founding Fathers ignored to achieve consensus on the Constitution. Ending the conflict between the ideal of liberty and the reality of slavery was to cost the nation the lives of some 420,000 on the battlefields of the Civil War. That toll was surely the most costly form of national reparation.

I like the analogy about Tunisia.


Friday, July 08, 2005

I'm with you London

I am no fan of pomp and circumstance. I am no fan of suits and ties (to the dismay of my mother) However, I am a fan of the British and the monarchy. Not for what it used to stand for, monarchs who ruled how they saw fit, but for what it stands for now, strength, dignity, integrity (mostly), and politness. The Brits have a way about them that can come off as "superior". I do not think they think they are superior (got that? no? read it again).

I saw in a B movie once, a scene where a man explains to a woman what being a gentleman or a lady means. He said it means making whom ever you are with feel comfortable and happy. Best defintion I ever heard. That's all the Brits do. This can come off as belittlement, mothering, etc. I think it is strength. It is hard to be a gentleman. I try, but fail often. My mother and father brought me up to be a gentleman. Open doors, say "nice to meet you", and always say "thank you". But in today's society one can forget to be a gentleman. One can forget to make people you are with feel as comfortable as they can be. I'm going to keep trying. Will you?

What got me going? I read this. Make sure you listen to the music. I'm with the Brits. I too will bow my head to the monarchy. I too will support their efforts to find whomever bombed them. And not just because they supported us. I cannot be convinced that terrorism will win. We must all be positive that good shall triumph (we are the good despite what other's say). We cannot be defeatist. Rise up! Tell someone, everyone that you wish to be safe. That you wish for all peoples to have the rights, liberties and freedoms that we enjoy (and take for granted). Do not let terroist tyranny win. They are very few. I am convinced that the majority of Islam is not with these fundementalists. These fundementalist, racist, terror moungers who think they are superior must be defeated. Do not lose your resolve.

Holy moly I'm wound up.

I fear for us. I fear that we will give up too soon. I fear that giving up too soon will lead to more terrorism here. Which means my family would be in danger. That is unacceptable to me. We will never figure out why they hate us. stop trying. Defeat them. jail them. If need be, kill them. If it's them or me, I pick them.

Terrorists Captured

This morning on my way to work I recalled a conversation I had with my friend Ian yesterday about the attack in London where I mused to him that it would be refreshing to hear Prime Minister Blair at the news conference say: "We're going to get these fuckers!!", to which Ian replied: "Yeah. ..... but we're screwed. We'll never get them." So I thought I would perform a quick search in Google.

You'll note that there were 8520 hits just in the past 3 months. We do catch them. It's just that no one talks about it. WHY!!!

Thursday, July 07, 2005


Hello All!!

I'm so sorry I've been away so long. Very few things have gotten me riled up since February and if riled the feeling went away quickly.

I went to Lime Rock Park on June 17th 2005. What fun!! Scott and Craig went with me. We were very happy. check back soon as I've just now gotten all the photos together for a webpage.

We have been doing much construction on the house. I say we, when in fact I hired a contractor. I've never hired someone before. I like doing it myself although I rarely finish a project. I get it good enough for living. I see why few people do it themselves. First, you must have some skill. Luckily I have some. Some. Second, when you pay someone it gets done very quickly. Progress nearly daily. The problem with having someone else do the work is that you see progress and think: "hmm ... perhaps I should add this task". When that gets done you add another and another, etc. Pretty soon the contractor says: "Perhaps you should know what your adders are costing." oops. Forgot that I have to write a check for this stuff. Ah well, it's going on the home equity line so I'm not really paying for it, the bank is, right? I'll get some photos together for this soon too.

Howard Dean is an ass. (I just remembered that this is called "Rants") How does he get a pass from the media. If Trent Lott has to resign for saying nice things about Strom Thurmond (yes I know about Strom, but it was his retirement dinner. Nice things should be said. It's polite.) why is there no call for Dean to resign? The good news is he is (or at least should be) alienating the moderate Dems.

Speaking of calls of resignation: How come there are no calls for Pelosi to resign like there were for Tom Delay?

You just can't win with the environmentalist wackos.

Here's an unusual case of litigiousness.

See you sooner next time.