Thursday, July 07, 2005


Hello All!!

I'm so sorry I've been away so long. Very few things have gotten me riled up since February and if riled the feeling went away quickly.

I went to Lime Rock Park on June 17th 2005. What fun!! Scott and Craig went with me. We were very happy. check back soon as I've just now gotten all the photos together for a webpage.

We have been doing much construction on the house. I say we, when in fact I hired a contractor. I've never hired someone before. I like doing it myself although I rarely finish a project. I get it good enough for living. I see why few people do it themselves. First, you must have some skill. Luckily I have some. Some. Second, when you pay someone it gets done very quickly. Progress nearly daily. The problem with having someone else do the work is that you see progress and think: "hmm ... perhaps I should add this task". When that gets done you add another and another, etc. Pretty soon the contractor says: "Perhaps you should know what your adders are costing." oops. Forgot that I have to write a check for this stuff. Ah well, it's going on the home equity line so I'm not really paying for it, the bank is, right? I'll get some photos together for this soon too.

Howard Dean is an ass. (I just remembered that this is called "Rants") How does he get a pass from the media. If Trent Lott has to resign for saying nice things about Strom Thurmond (yes I know about Strom, but it was his retirement dinner. Nice things should be said. It's polite.) why is there no call for Dean to resign? The good news is he is (or at least should be) alienating the moderate Dems.

Speaking of calls of resignation: How come there are no calls for Pelosi to resign like there were for Tom Delay?

You just can't win with the environmentalist wackos.

Here's an unusual case of litigiousness.

See you sooner next time.


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