Thursday, October 28, 2004

3 tons, 380 tons whatever

ABC News is reporting that the amount of explosives that apparently disappeared from Al Qaqaa may have been much less than reported.
ABC says it has "confidential IAEA documents" showing that "on Jan. 14, 2003, the agency's inspectors recorded that just over 3 tons of RDX was stored at the facility" not 380 tons as reported by The New York Times on Monday.

Now, aside from the discrepancy in the amount of explosives there's this:
So the Russians helped good old Saddam. And Syria, too.

Kerry's gonna need to start checking his sources. If he keeps using the NYT and CBS news for information he's dillusional.

Speaking of dillusional; I am completely disillusioned by the main stream news media. Before the Rather fiasco, I was certain there was a bias but at least they were truthful. After Rather's report, I let it go thinking: "OK bad reporting." Now it is clear that not only is the main stream news media biased, they will do anything and say anything to get a liberal elected. It's not enough anymore to just report the bad things about Republicans, now they have to make up stuff, too. If anyone continues to read the NYT and take what their reading as true, they are just as dillusional as Kerry. (yes, you too Mother.) ANYTHING published in that paper is now suspect. No, I take that back. The majority of the opinion pieces are about as truthful as you can get. But any statistic or "source" of information should be checked or just dismissed. I simple Google search on the topic is usually enough to find more info on it.


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