This is what I was thinking when I heard about Arafat finally dying. Not quite as well thought out, of course, but I think this gentleman nailed what Arafat was all about
I saw some footage in Israel of some bearded Jews dancing in the streets. That makes them almost as bad as the Palestinians who danced after 9/11. I thought they were above that. Perhaps the middle east lack of respect for life is rubbing off on them.
Sour Grapes! Al Franken wept while Kerry was conceding. WEPT!! I don't know one conservative who would have wept if W lost. I don't get it. It's like those men who still cry when you mention Dale Earnhardt Sr. Gee wiz guys! You never met him. You probably didn't cry at the end of "Old Yeller", but you cry for a RACE CAR Driver! Weep for Kerry. He has to go home to his billionaire wife and go windsurfing. poor guy.
Perhaps he was weeping for America. We have a President who won't take any shit from Mealy Mouthed Liberal European Leaders who don't have the balls to stand up to the terrorists. Is it any surprise that Arafat went to France for treatment?!?! These MMLEL's think that by being NICE to terrorists they won't kill them. WRONG!!! What it shows the terrorists is that they are weak and will allow them to walk all over you. They will not stop at destroying America and Israel. They want all civilized nations brought down. Somewhere history screwed up. Islam was the great religion and was to be the power. But something went wrong and they want to turn back the clock 1000 years and be the power.
I worry about the middle east with Arafat gone. I worry that it will split and splinter apart. Not in a good way where it eventually dies off. I worry that the splinters will be merciless and even more hateful and barbaric than Arafat ever was. Some see his death as a way towards peace. I hope they are right. If it doesn't work out, at least we know who will get blamed, right?
Boy just fell asleep on the couch. I guess he had a good time with Granny and Gramps today. I'm going to go get him and put him to bed. back in a moment ....
... back. He's so out that A was able to undress him and put his jammies on without him waking. Tucker has taken to sleeping on Boy's bed. She thinks it's hers now. I find her there during the day and now find her there when Boy is sleeping, too. She just hopped up again. I think she is starting to love Boy. And not just because he feeds her, but because they are companions. Boy is better at playing with her now that he is almost four. No more is the game called "Pull Any Appendage As Hard As I Can!!" The canine appendages were getting sore. Now it is real play. fetch and tug-o-war. Big fun for both.
now that is nice way to end and a nice thought to put me to sleep. good night.
oh, almost forgot, check out my fun time at Lime Rock Park Race Track
I saw some footage in Israel of some bearded Jews dancing in the streets. That makes them almost as bad as the Palestinians who danced after 9/11. I thought they were above that. Perhaps the middle east lack of respect for life is rubbing off on them.
Sour Grapes! Al Franken wept while Kerry was conceding. WEPT!! I don't know one conservative who would have wept if W lost. I don't get it. It's like those men who still cry when you mention Dale Earnhardt Sr. Gee wiz guys! You never met him. You probably didn't cry at the end of "Old Yeller", but you cry for a RACE CAR Driver! Weep for Kerry. He has to go home to his billionaire wife and go windsurfing. poor guy.
Perhaps he was weeping for America. We have a President who won't take any shit from Mealy Mouthed Liberal European Leaders who don't have the balls to stand up to the terrorists. Is it any surprise that Arafat went to France for treatment?!?! These MMLEL's think that by being NICE to terrorists they won't kill them. WRONG!!! What it shows the terrorists is that they are weak and will allow them to walk all over you. They will not stop at destroying America and Israel. They want all civilized nations brought down. Somewhere history screwed up. Islam was the great religion and was to be the power. But something went wrong and they want to turn back the clock 1000 years and be the power.
I worry about the middle east with Arafat gone. I worry that it will split and splinter apart. Not in a good way where it eventually dies off. I worry that the splinters will be merciless and even more hateful and barbaric than Arafat ever was. Some see his death as a way towards peace. I hope they are right. If it doesn't work out, at least we know who will get blamed, right?
Boy just fell asleep on the couch. I guess he had a good time with Granny and Gramps today. I'm going to go get him and put him to bed. back in a moment ....
... back. He's so out that A was able to undress him and put his jammies on without him waking. Tucker has taken to sleeping on Boy's bed. She thinks it's hers now. I find her there during the day and now find her there when Boy is sleeping, too. She just hopped up again. I think she is starting to love Boy. And not just because he feeds her, but because they are companions. Boy is better at playing with her now that he is almost four. No more is the game called "Pull Any Appendage As Hard As I Can!!" The canine appendages were getting sore. Now it is real play. fetch and tug-o-war. Big fun for both.
now that is nice way to end and a nice thought to put me to sleep. good night.
oh, almost forgot, check out my fun time at Lime Rock Park Race Track
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