Saturday, July 30, 2005

Bush Bashing ... Failing?

Yes! According to Michael Barone in this article. I find this newsworthy only because very few will actually hear of this article.

Helen Thomas is pretty ticked off apparently. "All we need is one more liar." Nice and un-biased, huh?

More verbal attacks from President Carter. His presidency was known for .... I can't come up with anything, can you? I think he's trying to show the history writers that he can do something even if it is only to lash out at the current administration. This pathetic attempt at toughness only further weakens his already weak record as President. I may be wrong, but even Mr. Clinton respects to office enough to not bash the current one. President Carter's denoucements of the existing administration only serves to make himself look bad. I think the former President should read my first post and stop spewing nonsense. Very few are listening.


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