Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I'm too tired to even rant about this one

New Format, etc.

Enjoy my new format. I'd like to point out, because no one seems to have noticed, that you can now leave comments to any of my posts by simply clicking on the underlined word "comments" and following the instructions. Those instructions are necessary so I don get comment spam.


p.s. Please no comments about the new format. I like it and that's all that matters.

It's Time For a Change

At my church, we have a thrift store. When it began, it had two modest goals: create an avenue to supply some inexpensive clothes to the area; and maybe make some money for the church. It's a simple idea that many churches use I think. Collect clothes donations from church members or anyone really, then sort and display and sell said clothes. As in most churches the retired women run it. Mostly because they are the only people who have time during the week and on Saturday mornings and as in most churches, they are the only ones who seem to care enough about the church, or so I thought.

Our little thrift store has blossomed, if you will, beyond anyone's expectations, unfortunately. Yes, unfortunately. Because now, since no provisions were ever made as to what to do with the income of this store, the ladies have created their own bank account different than the church's general fund. There is now quite a bit of money in that account. Conversely there is very little money in our general fund. We have major maintenance needed, yet the ladies will only allocate money for projects that they like. Our clock is broken, the steeple needs painting, we do not have enough money even to pay for our heating oil this winter, or give our pastor, sexton or secretary a decent raise. The ladies have decided they want to replace a large window in our (money losing) playschool wing (near the thrift store) because it is drafty. As far as I know, they are not contacting the board of trustees for this job. They are just getting bids and getting it done. In my mind this borders on complete anarchy. There is no control over these women. No one wishes to hurt their feelings, or risk belittling their hard work (and I am aware how hard they work), but there has to be some control by the board of trustees. The ladies have carte blanche to do whatever it is that fancies them. The church must beg for money when something needs replacing or needs maintenance. Does any other church congregation need to do this? It is time for a revolt. And I mean that in the nicest way possible.

I do not, nor do any others in the church, wish to insult these women, but the time has come to make sure all the income from the thrift store gets deposited into the general fund. No longer can we beg for money from outside sources, have pancake dinners, corned beef dinners, etc. That net the general fund $20 at a time. We need that money. It's as simple as that.

I am grateful to all the women for their hard work. And there are only a couple of those women who are now prima donnas due to their success (sickening but true). But if they really care for the church as they claim they do, then they will surrender their funds and continue to deposit all income from the thrift store into the general fund. If it's glory or recognition they require, then they can post their earnings in our monthly newsletter, The Herald, and also post it on the bulletin board in the gym. The minister can even announce it once a month during the weekly announcements before service.

Something must be done. Someone must speak out. This is my attempt to get the ball rolling. I will forward this link to my pastor and perhaps she will forward it to other church members. If this effort fails, then I'm afraid the congregation fails. The thrift store money does not guarantee the congregation's survival, but the lack of it guarantees it's demise.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

An interesting take on Support (or lack thereof) for the War

I heard this guy in a radio interview Friday morning. I just now remembered to find his article. As the media continues to bombard us with death tolls and other bad news, it's interesting to compare peacetime accidental deaths per year to the yearly rate in Iraq. There was no liberal uproar over these deaths. Why? The accidental death rate between 1988 and 1993 is nearly double war the death rate during the Iraq war!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Islamic Extremist vs. Everybody, not just the US!

Please see this piece on how the Little Sheet Heads are not fighting the U.S., they are fighting everybody. "We just happen to be part of everybody."

Politically Incorrect, but funny none the less

to: infidels
re: "Towel Heads"
Recently I received a warning about the use of this politically incorrect term, so please note, we all need to be more sensitive in our choice of words. I have been informed the Islamic terrorists, who hate our guts and want to kill us, do not like to be called "Towel Heads", since the item they wear on their heads is not actually a towel, but in fact, a small folded sheet. Therefore, from this point forward, please refer to them as "Little Sheet Heads."
Thank you for your support and compliance on this delicate matter.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Good News?

As many of you are aware I try to look for good news on occasion. Here could be a reason why it's harder to find. Take a good story and make it sound bad. This is the reason I only read the NYT opinion pieces. At least I know what I'm getting there.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


I agree with another New Haven Register opinion!

EDITORAL Concern about cameras misplaced
New Haven Register Editorial
After bombers twice attacked London’s subways and buses in July, images from video surveillance cameras quickly identified the bombers. Surveillance cameras have been widely installed in public places in London and elsewhere in Europe for decades.
In the United States, in general, and Connecticut, in particular, misplaced objections about invasion of privacy and government intrusiveness have slowed the installation of equipment that monitors public spaces.The installation of cameras along the boardwalk, street and sidewalks near the West Haven beach has resulted in a drop in vandalism, drinking and loitering, police say. Regular beach-goers say they feel safer.The Connecticut Civil Liberties Union generally opposes such surveillance cameras. Roger Vann, its head, calls the cameras a "feel good, short-term quick fix." The objection, however, seems more rooted in a distrust of government than a tenuous claim about privacy in public places like the beach or street.Residents of neighborhoods plagued by gunfire, loitering or vandalism welcome these extra sets of eyes.Vann suggests more police officers as a solution. However, West Haven and other cities cannot afford to put officers everywhere.New Haven cannot place an officer at each intersection where traffic lights are routinely ignored. A 2002 study found that 426 cars ran the red light at one city intersection in just 24 hours. The city asked the state legislature this year to allow it to install cameras at traffic lights to catch those who run the signals.Other cities that use the cameras to issue traffic citations have recorded sharp drops in violations.The legislature did not approve New Haven’s request. Again, the civil libertarians objected. They were more worried about a lawbreaker’s claimed privacy rights than the life of a child crossing the street who could be hit by someone speeding through a red light. It is a dangerously misplaced concern.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Equal Pay?

I was always skeptical about the wage disparity but could never put my finger on why. This article explains why I was skeptical. The last paragraph is the most convincing:
"That is, pure discrimination would create significant profit opportunities
for non-discriminators, such that discriminating firms would tend to be
replaced by non-discriminating firms. Profits are a powerful motivator."

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Housing Bubble

Is there a housing/real estate bubble. A search yields 383,000 links. Call me a "consciensious observer" when it comes to this issue. I (we) have our primary estate and a vacation property. Neither of which was ever intended to be a money maker or flip property. But it's interesting to think how much we potentially could have in the bank if we sold the vacation property. We choose not to mostly because if we sold we could not afford to buy anything else as nice. So I worry little about a bubble bursting in terms of my possible personal loss. However, I am concerned for others who may choose to get into a flip property right now. I'm pretty sure I would not do it.

My Attempt At Finding Good News, Still Working At It

Please read this. It's really long, but worth the time.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Scott Randolph's Last Straw

This fine gentleman is so tired of the left's rhetoric he dropped his Democrat status and registered as a Republican. The sad thing is how he's being flamed by some radical left people. One is so flabergasted he pulls out the "dumb" card by saying: "I doubt you’ve ever been a Democrat. Too ignorant.". Amazing how the radical liberals always stoop to name calling, yet the Republicans are the "idiots". I liked Scott's heartfelt prose on his switch to the Republican Party so much that I've added a link to his blog over there on the right so we can check his progress.

Is Your Boss a Psychopath?

Interesting. Don't forget to take the test and find out. It turns out that Carmen is not, but I'm sure that Ian and I are driving him to some sort of mental illness.

Really Good Opinion Piece

From Thomas Sewel. I am not able to add another thing.

Media Darling

Cindy Sheehan has gotten an amazing amount of media attention. I can't help but think that if she were protesting FOR the war we would not be hearing too much about it. Finally, I get to read a newspaper editorial that spells it out almost completely correctly. It's the first time (that I've seen anyway) where the news media even mentions that President Bush already met with her. It did not mention her 180 degree turn around since that meeting though. Who got to her to change her mind? Or is her grief driving her insane? No one will ever know I suppose. Her husband and family are asking her to stop. I feel sorry for them to have to watch her spew nonsense that really serves no purpose other to make good sound bites for CNN and MSNBC. To end I'll leave you with this scathing piece on her that makes many good hard points.

note: I too was amazed to find that editorial in the New Haven Register. (for those who refuse to join the paper here is the complete text)

EDITORIAL Cindy Sheehan makes her point
A New Haven Register editorial
Cindy Sheehan has already met with the president once. And after she set up camp outside his ranch in Crawford, Texas, Bush’s national security adviser and deputy White House chief of staff met with her for 45 minutes. She wants another meeting with Bush to talk about the war in Iraq and the death of her 24-year-old son, Casey, there last year. Bush could meet with her, but he should expect a harangue, not a conversation.
Sheehan has placed herself on the far-left fringe of the war protest movement. She has already accused Bush of lying and killing her son. She also seems to hold Israel responsible as well. In an e-mail to ABC, she wrote that her son "was killed for lies and for a PNAC neo-con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the Army to protect America, not Israel."Sheehan refused to pay her 2004 taxes as a war protest and arrived in Crawford on a bus that announced an "impeachment tour."Sheehan, who also opposes the war in Afghanistan, wants Bush to take all troops out of Iraq now. But such a withdrawal would "send a terrible signal to the enemy," as Bush notes. It would undermine a still forming Iraqi government and likely plunge the country into a full- scale civil war.Her son joined the Army voluntarily. Sheehan has converted his death into her own cause, one that other members of her family do not support."She now appears to be promoting her own personal agenda and notoriety at the expense of her son’s good name and reputation," according to a letter signed by Casey Sheehan’s paternal grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.Sheehan has enlisted a public relations firm, a willing media in a slow news month, and much of the antiwar left to voice her protest of the war. She and Bush do not agree, but he has heard her message. She can go home now or stay, if she likes the Texas heat, until Bush returns to Washington.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


I want a set of Jarts. Remember these? Not for Boy to play with, but for plain old adult, non-pornographic fun. If you know someone who has a set laying around please email me thatismytruck at (replace the "at" with the @ symbol). Thanks.

Judge Roberts

I get a little testy when I read of how homophobic some conservatives can be. It gives us all a bad name. But after thinking about it for a little bit, I wondered: What if we all (conservatives) come out opposed to John Roberts' nomination to the Supreme Court. Would this make the Dems think he is a good choice? This reverse psychology just might work.

Please Click this Link!!

I remember that Phelps lunatic. When I lived in KCMO we heard about him a lot. Hates homosexuals. He's probably fighting the fact that he likes men himself.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

uuuuummmm .....

Hippies. The best line on the page is "Who needs a time machine?" I spit out my vodka and tonic reading that line.

Beer and Taxes

Part of me thinks this is humourous. Another part gets furious at Democrats keeping the money. WTF! Not only are they keeping the money, but someone in the party had to see the check made out to the REPUBLICAN party, yet still deposited it. Just for spite, I bet. The extent to which too many Democrats go to just be mean is troubling to me. It reeks of being sore losers. But it's more. It's as if they feel entitled to .... WAIT!!!! Entitled! they feel entitled!! Could be perhaps that they are so used to giving entitlements that now they think they should be getting some!! I might be on to something here.

Update: Canada allowing same sex marriage gets an interesting twist, lower taxes? I personally think this is a great idea. If I were a single guy paying outragous taxes I'd marry my friend to get a tax break. Great idea, gentlemen. Good luck.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Old adages

Perhaps the anti-war crowd should confront the idea of victory! I don't mind being told what to think or do (I'll rarely do it, but I don't mind being told), but the "teller" might want to take some of his or her own advice. I subscribe to the old adage of "Prepare for the worst, hope for the best." If more people did this there'd be less bickering, I think.

We didn't travel north this weekend. The wife's enemy reared it's ugly head Friday afternoon. I decided to stay home the whole weekend as opposed to heading up in the morning. We accomplished much. We viewed some homes that have the coating we are looking to have applied to our historic home. It is applied like paint directly to the shingles but has life long characteristics of vinyl siding. Having the house finally painted after all this time will be a complete pleasure. I performed a Spring cleaning of the kitchen on Sunday. The entire room was a disaster from the remodeling project. Sheet rock dust, saw dust and just plain dirt was everywhere. Wife performed a similar cleaning of Boy's room, and worked the laundry. We are making our house a home again. Yay!! Next up for cleaning, the dining room. I'll attack that intermittently while I finish up painting the walls and refinishing the woodwork in the living room. The old real estate saying concerning the three most important things about a property are Location, Location and Location. Well the three most important things about home ownership are Work, Work, and Work!

Friday, August 05, 2005


A rest is in order for the family. This weekend is scheduled to be of the near perfect New England summer variety. Therefore, off to Vermont!!
The fact that I can stomach all the granola socialists up there is a testament to the state's natural beauty. Rest and relaxation on green mountain time. For sure the mornings will be full of Green Mountain Coffee and the late mornings and afternoons full of Vermont Lager. Evenings will have good grilled meat from the River Market and one big glass of vodka (a fine substitute for Grey Goose when the budget is low). During all that I'm sure we'll go see the animals. We've been working so hard on the house that we really need a do nothing weekend. All are looking forward to it.

Yesterday A and I went to see a horrible show at Boy's day camp. Quite poorly done, very bad choreography, even for a camp show. But, Boy participated in the routine completely, which was a change from previous shows, He sang and danced (the poor kid has my rhythm) and was clearly enjoying himself, so it was the most enjoyable show we ever attended!

Afterwards, we attended a party for my niece and nephew. I spent the entire afternoon in the pool. I threw two four year olds 183 times. My arms have just enough energy to type. I then treaded water for 2 hours while catching two four year olds jumping off of a diving board. Luckily my buoyancy has remaining even with my loss of 70 pounds.

I hope you all have as great a weekend as I hope to have!!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Post Rant Notes

Since my rant about President Carter, I found this much more eloquent offering.