Thursday, October 27, 2005

"He violated their penal code"

This article is not really funny except for that quote. I spit my coffee out and through my nose!!

Well, it made me laugh anyway. {shrugging}

The Krauthammer Exit Strategy

I read this last week sometime (if I remember correctly). I think Charles is brilliant anyway, but his idea seemed flawless to me, so I knew it would never happen. Well, what do you know!! Harriet and George must read Krauthammer's column!! Here is Ms. Meir's letter, and here is President Bush's statement. I hope it all works out and President Bush nominates the BEST CANDIDATE and not the best woman or best Mexican or best person who's left handed and has one blue eye and one brown.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

So long Mr. Mara

Wellington Mara died today. It's the end of an era. There are no more old time owners in the NFL anymore. Too bad.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Personality Test

I took this personality test, and this is what it told me:

You're an ISTP
You're a realist who applies expediency and reasoning as you manage and adapt to are aware of what is going on in the environment and are able to respond quickly to the actual facts, making sure the odds are in your favor...
You're straight-forward, pragmatic, honest people who prefer action to have a good understanding of the way things work, and are not tend to make logical and private decisions, stating things the way you see 'em...
don't like to be tied down and don't like working in a structure or need to anticipate immediate practical needs in situations and to present a logical straightforward plan for meeting those needs...
Curious and observant... convinced only by hard, reliable facts...veritable storehouses of information...realist able to capitalize well on available resources... quiet and reserved...appear cool and aloof and are inclined toward shyness, except with good friends...
You operate on learn best when you can observe first-hand in a one-on-one situation...prefer to learn thrive on excitement and action...probably like outdoors and sports....good trouble lead through setting an'd prefer to managed loosely at work so bossman isn't breathing down your neck.
It's important to pursue your interests.. you will do what it takes to make time or money for your leisure-time pursuits (like pay for a Storm Palace subscription?) like to have the latest and finest equipment for whatever your hobby probably get turned on just reading the Trivial Pursuit cards just to learn the information....
Love? Responsive yet realistic, huh? You seek partners who'll give you your freedom (especially for hobbies and interests) or will at least participate in 'em with're attentive to the little things that your partner will like to surprise them with gifts and stuff... you'd rather show your feelings through actions than express them with words....
When scorned by a love, you don't share it with the world... you're usually not vindictive when the relationship is don't give up easily on the relationship unless you're convinced by the evidence.
Things to be careful about: difficult to share your reactions...look for the shortcut or the easy way...slack off occassionally....develop a step- by-step plan...don't keep important things to might take in so much information that you feel overwhelmed by may be hesitant to make decisions....this makes you appear undirected...don't move on to new tasks before your other ones bear fruit...
ISTP: "I See The Problem"

Is that correct?

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

PowerBall Wishing

I just bought the winning PowerBall tickets. I rarely purchase these things. I got three "quick pics" and one ticket with and assortment of birthdays and Wife and my anniversary.

wishes if I win (in no particular order):

- set up trust for Boy
- find a cure for Wife's pain
- pay off estate and vacationland
- finish the inside of the estate
- get a nice car for wife and me
- completely restore the tbird, and drive it more often
- get a track car or convert the Bug into a nicer little track car.
- rebuild the engine in the pick up truck
- fix up the church
- add some money to the church trust so that the interest accumulated can keep up with rising cost of operation.
- set up a trust for niece and nephew
- buy my Mom and Dad anything they want
- get a bottle of each vodka I mention in yesterday's post
- whatever else my little brain can come up with

In my ideal world I keep working. I love my job and really love all with whom I work. However the realist in me knows that there is a chance (slight in my mind) that I will change and not be a good employee anymore. But since this is a wish post, I will stick with the ideal world view.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Need to add these vodka's to my list of must try

Cold River and Vermont Spirits. Both sound good. When I have some extra cash I'd like to try the Cold Mountain first. Although the fact that the Vermont Spirits is distilled from maple sugar is quite intriguing. Decisions ... Decisions ...

Everybody's Favorite Lifeguard

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Quote of the day (year?)

Those who agree with us may not be right, but we admire their astuteness.

- Cullen Hightower

Friday, October 14, 2005

Not all Done

I found this. Good points all. I'm still not in opposition. We cannot live in fear of what might happen.

update 10/17/05
Besides, our gas bill might go down. That should be the best reason go have it.

29 things to talk about and a few rants

If it doesn't stop raining soon I'm building an ark. (sorry, I couldn't stop myself from using that phrase. It's not as bad as "Hot (cold) enough for you?" but it does rank up there.)

New Haven Mayor John DeStefano has backed off of this decision thankfully. I think he still wants to give out these legal documents to illegal immigrants, but the uproar was more than his gubernatorial aspirations could take. You know, I can see the proponents argument for these legal cards for illegal immigrants: an ID for them so they can open a bank account, get a driver's license, etc. And I think that's really nice of those that favor this type of program. But there is a flaw; THE PEOPLE THEY ARE TRYING TO HELP ARE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!!!!! They are here illegally. Giving an illegal immigrant a LEGAL identification only makes sense in the government. Here is an New Haven Register Editorial that addresses a liberal's concern for these cards. I have to admit he made some good points. Mayor DeStefano's proposal would not have legs if the federal government did better controlling our border in the first place. I love immigration. I'm an idealist when it comes to immigration. I think this country is the best and I believe that anyone who wishes to come here thinks the same thing. Therefore I want them here. But LEGALLY!!

I found this humorous. Environmentalists protesting ..... Environmentalists!! beautiful. Don't forget, you can't have an environmentalist without mental.

Reading the above article, I noticed a mention of Nantucket Sound. Apparently there is a really cool proposal to generate electricity with wind offshore. Really cool!! What a great idea. I look forward to seeing these wind generators on a trip out to Nantucket Island on the ferry. Of course there is the NIMBY crowd. Gotta love 'em. In my perusal of the first site I found this article. Nice. The rich folk don't want to see how they get their electricity. But if they protest, they'll look bad. So, they take a page out of the Democrat's book and forge some names on some petitions.

In a similar story, opponents of a natural gas depot in Long Island Sound took some government officials on a nice boat ride. I've only browsed this subject, and my opinion might change, but for now I have no problem with this floating natural gas plant going into the sound.

Back to the rain. We did need some rain. "Some" being the key word. But 12 inches in 4 days is a bit much. Luckily my basement is ok, for now, but I just got back from my brother's basement and he's dealing with 2 inches of water in his. I went over with one of my pumps. I carried this one back from Italy. I was there to check out a company that wanted to make inroads in the US market. I sent them some specs for a submersible pump and they made one. Best little 1/2 horse submersible pump I've ever used. This little pump is keeping up with the water coming in for now, but I expect that if it rains much more he's (my brother) going to have a bit more water.

Boy has a cold or something. Fell asleep on the couch. Wife says she told him he could stay there if he did fall asleep so I'm leaving him there. This leaves Wife's and my bed to just me since she said she'd be there with him. tragedy. big bed all to myself.

Was that 29? eh. felt like it to me. g'night all. I'm all done ... for now.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The U.S.S. Cole

Today is the 5th anniversary of the terrorist attack on the USS Cole. Here is a good way to refresh your memory of the attack. Please say a prayer for the victim's family and friends.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Pork Relief

In this time of giving to aid hurricane Katrina victims, Senator Mary Landrieu (D,LA) sees fit to gouge the American public for more. It's official, Louisiana is the state with the most out of touch politicians.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

O'Reilly (or is it Helen Thomas?) Kills Cats for Sport

I just discovered this blog that gives indisputable evidence of Bill O'Reilly's abuse of our beloved fluffy little furballs. I think we should start a boycott of his show just like he asked us all to boycott VH1 a few years ago.

I wish I thought of this

Friends I give you the Bumper Dumper.