29 things to talk about and a few rants
If it doesn't stop raining soon I'm building an ark. (sorry, I couldn't stop myself from using that phrase. It's not as bad as "Hot (cold) enough for you?" but it does rank up there.)
New Haven Mayor John DeStefano has backed off of this decision thankfully. I think he still wants to give out these legal documents to illegal immigrants, but the uproar was more than his gubernatorial aspirations could take. You know, I can see the proponents argument for these legal cards for illegal immigrants: an ID for them so they can open a bank account, get a driver's license, etc. And I think that's really nice of those that favor this type of program. But there is a flaw; THE PEOPLE THEY ARE TRYING TO HELP ARE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!!!!! They are here illegally. Giving an illegal immigrant a LEGAL identification only makes sense in the government. Here is an New Haven Register Editorial that addresses a liberal's concern for these cards. I have to admit he made some good points. Mayor DeStefano's proposal would not have legs if the federal government did better controlling our border in the first place. I love immigration. I'm an idealist when it comes to immigration. I think this country is the best and I believe that anyone who wishes to come here thinks the same thing. Therefore I want them here. But LEGALLY!!
I found this humorous. Environmentalists protesting ..... Environmentalists!! beautiful. Don't forget, you can't have an environmentalist without mental.
Reading the above article, I noticed a mention of Nantucket Sound. Apparently there is a really cool proposal to generate electricity with wind offshore. Really cool!! What a great idea. I look forward to seeing these wind generators on a trip out to Nantucket Island on the ferry. Of course there is the NIMBY crowd. Gotta love 'em. In my perusal of the first site I found this article. Nice. The rich folk don't want to see how they get their electricity. But if they protest, they'll look bad. So, they take a page out of the Democrat's book and forge some names on some petitions.
In a similar story, opponents of a natural gas depot in Long Island Sound took some government officials on a nice boat ride. I've only browsed this subject, and my opinion might change, but for now I have no problem with this floating natural gas plant going into the sound.
Back to the rain. We did need some rain. "Some" being the key word. But 12 inches in 4 days is a bit much. Luckily my basement is ok, for now, but I just got back from my brother's basement and he's dealing with 2 inches of water in his. I went over with one of my pumps. I carried this one back from Italy. I was there to check out a company that wanted to make inroads in the US market. I sent them some specs for a submersible pump and they made one. Best little 1/2 horse submersible pump I've ever used. This little pump is keeping up with the water coming in for now, but I expect that if it rains much more he's (my brother) going to have a bit more water.
Boy has a cold or something. Fell asleep on the couch. Wife says she told him he could stay there if he did fall asleep so I'm leaving him there. This leaves Wife's and my bed to just me since she said she'd be there with him. tragedy. big bed all to myself.
Was that 29? eh. felt like it to me. g'night all. I'm all done ... for now.
New Haven Mayor John DeStefano has backed off of this decision thankfully. I think he still wants to give out these legal documents to illegal immigrants, but the uproar was more than his gubernatorial aspirations could take. You know, I can see the proponents argument for these legal cards for illegal immigrants: an ID for them so they can open a bank account, get a driver's license, etc. And I think that's really nice of those that favor this type of program. But there is a flaw; THE PEOPLE THEY ARE TRYING TO HELP ARE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!!!!! They are here illegally. Giving an illegal immigrant a LEGAL identification only makes sense in the government. Here is an New Haven Register Editorial that addresses a liberal's concern for these cards. I have to admit he made some good points. Mayor DeStefano's proposal would not have legs if the federal government did better controlling our border in the first place. I love immigration. I'm an idealist when it comes to immigration. I think this country is the best and I believe that anyone who wishes to come here thinks the same thing. Therefore I want them here. But LEGALLY!!
I found this humorous. Environmentalists protesting ..... Environmentalists!! beautiful. Don't forget, you can't have an environmentalist without mental.
Reading the above article, I noticed a mention of Nantucket Sound. Apparently there is a really cool proposal to generate electricity with wind offshore. Really cool!! What a great idea. I look forward to seeing these wind generators on a trip out to Nantucket Island on the ferry. Of course there is the NIMBY crowd. Gotta love 'em. In my perusal of the first site I found this article. Nice. The rich folk don't want to see how they get their electricity. But if they protest, they'll look bad. So, they take a page out of the Democrat's book and forge some names on some petitions.
In a similar story, opponents of a natural gas depot in Long Island Sound took some government officials on a nice boat ride. I've only browsed this subject, and my opinion might change, but for now I have no problem with this floating natural gas plant going into the sound.
Back to the rain. We did need some rain. "Some" being the key word. But 12 inches in 4 days is a bit much. Luckily my basement is ok, for now, but I just got back from my brother's basement and he's dealing with 2 inches of water in his. I went over with one of my pumps. I carried this one back from Italy. I was there to check out a company that wanted to make inroads in the US market. I sent them some specs for a submersible pump and they made one. Best little 1/2 horse submersible pump I've ever used. This little pump is keeping up with the water coming in for now, but I expect that if it rains much more he's (my brother) going to have a bit more water.
Boy has a cold or something. Fell asleep on the couch. Wife says she told him he could stay there if he did fall asleep so I'm leaving him there. This leaves Wife's and my bed to just me since she said she'd be there with him. tragedy. big bed all to myself.
Was that 29? eh. felt like it to me. g'night all. I'm all done ... for now.
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