Diary of Coating the Estate
9/8/05 - Scraping and sanding is going well. In hindsight I wish they tented or tarped or something before they sanded. Dust and crap is EVERYWHERE! Especially in my neighbor's beautiful koy pond. I eased the tension as best I could, then called the big boss at Liquicoat and asked what could be done to minimize the dust. He said they'd take care of it.
9/14/05 - Well, the painting, sorry, coating of my house is proceeding quite nicely. The sanding is almost all done except for one spot I noticed they missed. The special primer is all on and there is even a spot of pink on the wrap around porch. Of course, that's when it started to rain. No rain all summer but start painting, sorry, coating my house and it rains.
9-20-05 - The first coat of pink is nearly complete. They are doing the front today.

The yards (mine and neighbors) are really messy/dusty. Mine is the worst. I'll have to really work to get it cleaned up if they do not do a good enough job. Boy's sandbox is full of paint crap, and paint chips surround the house. I'll have to power wash my neighbors homes to keep everyone calm. Other than that, Liquicoat has been very responsive to our needs. I'll not complain to them about the mess as Liquicoat is not done and hasn't had a chance to clean up yet. I know any project makes a mess first then work happens (while making more of a mess) and then when the job is completed, there is clean-up. I just hope they do.
Ohhhhh ! It looks beautiful. Can't believe it. My email to David came back again. I don't understand it. I replied to him, but it was returned. Did you get it?
Love, Mommy
Just stopped by to say that:
The opinions on this ranter's blogspot should not be imputed upon the spouse of this ranter.
And, the opinions on this ranter's blogspot should not be imputed upon the ranter!
This ranter sometimes thinks too fast (so fast that he can't catch up and when he spends time trying to catch up he appears to think too slowly). I think he even admits to thinking too fast somewhere on this blogspot. Too bad his typing doesn't slow him down long enough to think about what he is typing. Some things are best kept in one's head. I am unsure why he needs to post this for all of posterity.
While I support his need for a creative outlet, it sometimes annoys me - - I don't always know why it annoys me. But, as a spouse, I have reserved the right to be annoyed. I think I reserved that right in one of the sweeping generalizaions covered in our wedding vows.
- - end - -
Don't be too quick to hail anyone. Especially Liquicoat. They did some "sanding" and "coating" on the house next door to me, and when the "dust" entered and then settled all over the inside of MY home I found out it was toxic lead dust. Your house may look pretty but I hope your neighbor cleans out their sandbox.
Dearest 2nd Anonymous commenter:
1. I hope you are not my neighbor, but assume you are not. They have balls and would post their name.
2. If you read my post, you'd have noted that I was not too happy with the cleanliness of the crew. I have calls in to the company and I'm hoping for some resolution of the matter. I just removed nearly an inch of soil from around my home and many various parts of my yard and have put new topsoil and grass seed.
3. As to the lead issue, although my house is old and I'm sure had lead paint at some point, I probably removed most of it 10 years ago when I painted my house myself. I scraped my badly peeling house down to bare wood almost everywhere then primed and painted. So any dust from Liquicoat was fairly inert.
4. Having said all that, I am still happy with my finished product, and would recommend Liquicoat to a friend.
If you are not in fact happy, or have found that they did not do a preliminary lead testing on the layers of paint before removing it (this is their responsability) you can contact me and join me in the lawsuit I have pending against them. If it was lead and they did not test it, this could depreciate the value of your property. Just a thought.
really a lawsuit? I just tried to google them and the domain is for sale. I wanted to have them do my garage now. Please let me know how this is turning out for you and how it might affect me.
thatismytruck at gmail dot com
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