Just two things I'm thinking about.
I've long thought Micheal Moore is an ass. I watched with ignorant amusment his "documentary" about GM Motors. I was 20 something when "Roger And Me" was released. I treated it as entertainment not a "documentary". I ignorantly missed that he thouht it was a documentary. I thought it was funny. I assumed that was the point. Unfortunately, that was not the point. He was making what he thought was a "documentary". Documentaries usually show both sides of an issue. Rarely did Mike show Roger's side (unless it proved to Mike and us how money grubbing CEO's are. I refuse to think all are).
Mike has made other movies which I have not seen. I read that "Bowling for Columbine" was also filled with inaccuracies and contradictions. What I'm getting at in a round about way is this review/critique of "Farenheit 911" . I read this gentleman's column once in a while. Rarely do I agree with him. His piece on Reagan recently put me though the roof. However, this socialist (Christopher Hitchens) always makes fantastic well thought out arguments. He writes well and is well informed. Micheal Moore must be full of shit if this died in the wool Democrat/socialist thinks he is, too.
I've been fighting internally about what my personal position is on same sex marriages being performed in my church. I recently had a conversation with my Pastor about this. In passing I mentioned that I was still fighting with this. I also mentione several Deacons voicing their concerns about being "pure" in the eyes of the Lord when the meet at the pearly gates. My Pastor agreed that it was a difficult decision and purity in the eyes of the Lord is certainly a valid concern. However, she continued, compassion is also something we could be judged on. If she had to choose between compassion and purity, she would choose compassion. Me too. Thanks Karen. You are wise beyond your years and we are lucky to have you. I hope we have you for a long time.
Good enough for now,