Lime Rock
I am posting some photos from my SCDA Driving Instruction Day June 7 2005 at Lime Rock Park Race Track. We sure did have fun. The Beetle performed flawlessly. My instructor (they sit with you and we can communicate via a wired headset that fits under our helmets) was absolutely giddy with my little car. He could not get over how fast it was and how many very expensive very powerful performance cars we were passing. I passed a Porsche GT4, a Carrera Turbo, a Supra biTurbo, a Lotus Elise, etc. I had perm-a-grin.
We attended this event through an organization called the Sports Car Driving Association. They are based in Essex, CT. As soon as I saw their schedule in March of last year, I knew I wanted to be at Lime Rock in June. So I solicited two friends to go with me. I begged prodded and pressured them to come and they finially succumbed. My brother, Scott who brought his 1966 Porsche 912 and my friend Craig who brought his 1988 Ford Mustang LX. We got our applications in on the first day allowed and got our email confirmations. Woo Hoo!
Leading up to the June event, Craig and Ian (my brother from another mother) mused that my "Gaypod" wouldn't be able to even keep up with Craig, let alone pass him. I laughed along with them and called them a-holes and begged to differ. This was followed by more "you've got to be joking" type comments. "Oh well. We'll see" I thought.
On to the day before the "Day of Instruction" I met Scott in the center of Litchfield for a drink and some dinner at (a fantastic place that I can't remember the name of). While inside it began to rain. Not some fine New England summer shower, no. We're talking torrential "look out for the tornado" type rain. We decided to make a run for our cars, then went to get gas (that sucked is all I'll say) then made it to the Interlaken Inn. We highly recommend it. Very nice. We checked in and went down for another drink, saw Craig and his family (cheering section), then went to bed.
We arose to a beautiful perfect New England summer day. Craig left the cheering section at the Inn (they brought separate cars), the three of us headed over to check in and have the cars inspected. We set up near a nice tree in the infield. I brought a 5 post tarp thingy which we set up. We put another tarp on the ground for a nice place to lay the crap from our, trunks, arm rests, etc. Neatly. We then waited for the RV. And waited. And waited. Scott and I were first ticked off, then pissed off, then outright angry, then .... worried. Up in Litchfield county, there is no service for Verizon. zippo. ziltch. We could not get a hold of them. Oh well, press on.
We went out for the first 20 minute session. Euphoria! I passed all but the couple of cars that started right behind me. This included Craig. Scott was his usual steady self. He has become one with that car over the past four years. He can get it to go right where it's supposed to go. He is always, always in the groove. Anyway, I left Craig alone about not keeping up with me as it was his first time at the track with his car (he took a Skip Barber course the summer before). The second time out we were spaced out a little more. Pretty soon I was on Craig's tail. He could pull away on the straights but he was in my way on the curves (as was almost everyone else for that matter). So on the No Name "straight" I passed him.
He explains: "The instructor said 'you have got a guy on you. You should let him by.' I said 'But you don't understand ...' that was one of the hardest things I've ever done."
So, I beat the mighty Mustang. I win. Unfortunately he broke in the next 20 minute session. Also unfortunately, Scott broke his car in the last session. They both blew their engines. Craig's car is still apart in his garage. He's contemplating getting a whole high performance engine from Ford Motorports. Big expense, but he's got to put a bunch into his engine anyway. Scott's car is all fixed. The benefit of sending it to your friendly neighborhood Porsche mechanic. He has retired the car from racing though. He cannot afford another big bill like that. I can't say I blame him.
Anyway, many many photos follow. I'll try to put some captions on them. Some won't need any, though. Just click for a larger view.

Pic of the Wrecker that came to get Mom and Dad. The driver was able to Rube Goldberg something together and get them going.
Craig caught in traffic
Skip stuck in traffic
Scott, right where he's supposed to be.
Mom and Dad finally there with Boy.
The "Gaypod" stalking the Mustang
Everyone talked to Scott about his car.
Scott just passed that Porsche GT4. That driver was so slow.
American Iron and Exotic Iron - Broken because they tried to keep up with ...
I kid because I care. Also because I can.
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