Thursday, January 04, 2007

Current news

So let me get this straight (so to speak), Gerald Ford was a stumbling bumbling idiot until Woodward misquotes him as being against the war. This "hate Bush" thing is beyond me. Gee wiz if we all treated each other with some respect most of the time it wouldn't such a bad place. (not that I think it's bad. I'm an idiot optimist. Glass half full, etc.) I just don't have the energy to hate as much as I read other's hate things. But I digress, Ford was a good man who took over for a less than good man (not bad mind you, he made some mistakes and errors in judgement, same as Clinton) but was portayed as the said idiot until just now when an even worse idiot is in office. (Weird how all thes idiots seem to be Republicans.) my point? haven't got one.


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